e-newsletter of the
onstruction Industry Coalition Council
PO Box 4163
McLean VA 22103-4163
703-734-2397 Fax 703-734-2908

April 2004

About the CICC…
The Construction Industry Coalition Council (CICC) seeks areas of commonality among the construction profession by identifying the needs of its constituents; delivering and exchanging technical and business information; facilitating the development of and responsible application of new techniques and processes; and promoting quality in practice. 
Coalition Council Steering Committee 
American Institute of Architects (AIA) www.aia.org
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) www.aisc.org
American Subcontractors Association (ASA) www.asaonline.com
Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC) www.abc.org
Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF) www.cerf.org
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) www.cmaanet.org
Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), www.dbia.org
Federal Facilities Council (FFC) www7.nationalacademies.org/ffc/
FIATECH www.fiatech.org
Surety Information Office (SIO) www.sio.org


Affiliated with 
Associated Owners & Developers (AOD) 

Summary of Construction Industry Coalition Council Meeting February 23, 2004

CADD/GIS/CAFM Interoperability: Goals and Objectives 
Stephen DeLoach
Smithsonian Institution
This presentation reviews an initiative to integrate engineering tools such as CADD, engineering document management systems and computer aided facility management (CAFM) to enhance the design, construction and facility management practices of the Smithsonian Institution. Implementation of the A/E/C CADD standard and automated CADD compliance tools will support maintenance of accurate and current architectural data serving as the base for automated facility management. To conduct spatial analysis and queries, GIS tools are being interfaced to the CAFM data structure, yielding intuitive and comprehensive understanding of the buildings attributes. Together, these tools support better management practices for the entire planning, engineering and facility management life cycle.

Information Technology and the Built Environment Part One; Part Two; Part Three
William E. Roper, PhD., P.E.
George Mason University
The presentation looks at challenges in the built environment and trends in technology development and application to meet these challenges. A building or facility with all it’s interrelated business and support systems represents a complex multi-dimensional data infrastructure that needs to be understood in designing information technology applications. The ability to communicate between data bases and share information in a timely fashion is one need, for example, that requires careful planning, system selection and training. Examples of applications in air quality compliance monitoring, as built characterization of structures (both outside and inside), and energy efficiency are presented. The geo-referencing of data is also an important aspect of data management and usefulness for multiple applications. Data visualization is illustrated as an emerging capability allowing rapid human understanding of very complex date structures. New developments in laser sensors, portable computing technology, data fusion, high resolution satellite imagery, biometrics and face recognition are also summarized.

PBS Project Information Portal Part One; Part Two
Stephen R. Hagan, FAIA
Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration
Learn about GSA's Public Buildings Service (PBS) Project Information Portal (PIP) for tracking its capital construction program valued at more than $10 billion. PIP's unique qualities include graphically pleasing, highly intuitive user interface and easy to understand and navigate information architecture. PIP displays a project from its design renderings, construction photos, and completed project views and makes the portal a destination for anyone within GSA who wants
to know the progress, images, and detailed data about a project. 

Next CICC Meeting - Tuesday, June, 1, 2004, 8:45 - 11:45 a.m.

Reducing Risk in Construction Program Management

8:45      Reception -- Coffee, Danish, networking

9:00      Welcome and Introductions

9:10      Fraudulent Claims
A discussion on fraudulent claims by contractors against owners and developers will include common types of fraudulent claims illustrated with examples observed during forensic audit and investigation of claims. The presentation will conclude with an overview of detection and prevention techniques.
Speaker: John B. Richardson III

9:40      Defense of Delay Claims
A discussion will address types of delay, schedule analysis techniques to defend claims, claim prevention during the project, and resolution methods. Claims are increasing from: tighter budgets and schedules for architects, engineers and contractors; construction contracts shifted more risk to the contractor; lack of understanding new technology and processes; more parties are involved; owners and contractors are more sophisticated with their approach to projects. Disputes require sound analytical and factual proof to settle the claims. The presentation will address methods to reduce construction projects delays with mutual benefits for contractors and owners.
Speaker: Scott A. Beisler, PMP, Senior Engagement Manager, Navigant Consulting Inc.

10:10     Break

10:25     CPM Scheduling: A Tool to Analyze Delay Claims
Owners are encouraged to specify and use CPM scheduling to control projects and prevent claims. CPM scheduling is a sophisticated endeavor and the owner should have a fundamental understanding of the technique. This presentation focuses on the oversight of contractor CPM scheduling beginning with the "baseline schedule" and continues through the monthly schedule update process. A well-prepared and accurate CPM schedule will greatly enhance the prevention of unsupportable delay claims.
Speaker: Lee E. Smith, East Coast CPM Consulting, LLC

10:55     Contractual Claims
Construction projects rarely are completed in strict accordance with plans and specifications, on time or under budget. As a result, project owners often find themselves facing damages from delay, defective or incomplete work or both. This Discussion focuses on the five primary bases of Owner claims under a construction contract: Termination for Default, Deductive Change Orders, Liquidated Damages, Warranties and Defective Workmanship, and Notice Provisions.
Speaker: Dennis Webb, Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP

11:25     Open Discussion: Questions and further discussion is welcomed and encouraged.

11:45     Adjourn

To register, contact Noel Raufaste, nraufaste@erols.com; 301-467-6767. There is no charge to attend CICC meetings.